

Professional profile…

Jenna also has a diploma in Clinical Aromatherapy from the Australian College of Aromatherapy. She uses essential oils to enhance the effects of her treatments, as well as to create customised blends for her clients to use at home. Aromatherapy can help with stress relief, mood enhancement, immune support, pain relief, skin issues and more.

Jenna is also a qualified Pregnancy Massage Therapist, who can provide safe and soothing massage for expectant mothers. Pregnancy massage can help reduce swelling, ease muscle tension, improve blood circulation, promote relaxation and prepare the body for labour. Jenna has also completed advanced training in body balancing techniques for pregnancy and birth, and is a Spinning Babies ® Aware Practitioner. She is skilled in assessing and addressing the alignment and mobility of the pelvis, uterus and baby, using gentle and effective methods. She can help pregnant clients with optimal fetal positioning, breech and transverse lie, preparation and follow-up for external cephalic version (ECV), with the aim of reducing the need for medical interventions during labour. She is passionate about supporting physiological birth and empowering parents with knowledge and tools to have a positive birth experience.

In addition, Jenna is a trained Natural Therapist and Beauty Therapist, she has extensive knowledge and experience in providing facial treatments, body scrubs, and other skin care services using natural and organic products. She believes that healthy skin is a reflection of overall wellness and uses natural and organic products that are gentle on the skin and the environment. Jenna also draws on her knowledge of natural therapies and methods to support the body’s self-healing abilities through wellness practices and activities to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Jenna loves to share her knowledge and passion for natural health with her clients. She believes that everyone deserves to feel healthy, happy and nurtured. She welcomes you to book an appointment with her and experience the benefits of natural therapies for yourself.


Accredited member of the Bowen Association Australia (BAA)

Professional Member of the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA)

Professional Membership with Holistic Health Associates International (HHAI)

Continued Education currently undertaking

Jenna is currently studying:

Qualifications & Professional Development

Shoulder Complex: A structural & functional perspective (Kristin North) 2023

Comprehensive® Iridology (Level I and Level II) - (with IIPA) 2023

Hormonal Release The Bowen Way - (Ron Phelan) 2022

Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner Training (SpBAP) 2022

Mind Body Bowen - (Margaret Spice & Anne Schubert) 2022

Master Aromatherapist & Natural Therapist Diploma - with specialisations in Aromatherapy for Ante & Post Natal Care, Holistic Herbal Therapy, Holistic Homeopathy & Foundations Ayurveda. Australian Collage of Aromatherapy. ACOA Dip (M.Aroma.Nat.Th) 2022

Specialised Procedures 2 Bowen Therapy (SP2) 2021 & 2023

Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy (Bowen Training Australia) - The only institute in Australia that teaches Bowtech© Bowen Therapy, founded by Ossie and Elaine Rentsch and recognised worldwide as the original technique taught by Tom Bowen.

Spinning Babies Workshop (Fiona Hallinan)

Bowen inside out Workshop (Christos Miliankos)

Virtual Pelvis Workshop (Bowen Buzz Training)

Certificate of Pregnancy Massage (Pregnancy massage Australia)

Diploma in Beauty Therapy (Marjorie Milner College)

Cert IV - Makeup Artistry. (Academy of makeup)

Reiki - Level 1.

First Aid - CPR & Basic emergency life support (regularly updated)