How can Bowen help you & your family

The Bowen Technique is a gentle and complimentary, non-invasive, soft tissue remedial therapy. It facilitates the body’s healing process and may relieve physical dysfunction and pain.

Bowen therapy is considered appropriate for anyone from pregnant women to newborn babies to the frail and the elderly.

Bowen can also be used in preventative care and general body maintenance. It may assist recovery from many conditions, from traumatic injury to chronic illness.

Using gentle targeted movements, a practitioner using Bowen therapy affects the below structures to influence the body’s systems:

  • nerves

  • superficial & deep fascia

  • muscles

  • tendons

  • ligaments

  • joints

  • dural membranes

  • blood vessels

​The common thread with all these structures is that they are all enveloped by the fascia (a thin layer of connective tissue) or fascia is integral to their structures. Through stimulating fascia and nerve receptors, Bowen moves initiate a series of responses that allow the body, including the functional systems, to unwind from long-held tension and revert to its original balanced state.

Regular Bowen therapy sessions can aid in improved general health, flexibility, sporting performance, relaxation and emotional wellbeing and can work well alongside traditional medical interventions to support the healing process.


Bowen therapy offers assistance towards conditions such as:

  • Pregnancy support, birth preparation & postpartum recovery - Back and pelvic pain in pregnancy, reducing restricted tissue to allow more space for the baby, Mastitis and tender breasts.

  • Babies & Children- Colic, problems latching/suckling, digestive health

  • Hormonal/Menstrual problems, Menopausal symptoms

  • Back pain – Sciatica, Bulging discs, Buttock pain, Upper back pain, Hip & pelvis misalignment, Scoliosis

  • Digestion – Indigestion, Heartburn, Reflux, Sluggish bowels

  • Respiratory issues - Asthma, Recovery from colds/flus/coughs, sinus issues.

  • Migraines & Headaches – Whiplash, Jaw problems, Grinding teeth, TMJ dysfunction,Vertigo.

  • Neck & Shoulders – Stress, Tennis/Golf elbow, Wry neck, Frozen shoulder, RSI/Carpal tunnel

  • Lymphatic flow

  • Sports Injuries

  • Pre and post-surgery

  • Stress & Anxiety – Adrenal fatigue, Muscular tension, Improve sleep

  • Chronic conditions - Parkinson’s, MS, Arthritis, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Postural imbalances, Pelvic imbalance, Constipation.

How does it work ?

Rather than focusing on a single complaint, the Bowen technique addresses the entire body, by restoring balance via the autonomic nervous system(ANS). The ANS controls over 80% of bodily functions and is very susceptible to external stressors. Most people today live in a constant state of high stress and sympathetic ANS over-stimulation (fight, flight or freeze mode). Healing can occur only after the ANS shifts from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance (rest, relax and repair mode). Bowen technique enables that shift.


There are many physiological mechanisms by which the Bowen Technique impacts the body. In addition to the rebalancing of the ANS, described earlier, Bowtech moves and procedures may reset the body to heal itself by activating, through the nervous and endocrine systems among others, the following mechanisms:

  • Stretch reflex: Most moves are done either at the origin, insertion or belly of muscles where receptors are located, informing the nervous system on the state of tension, length or stretch in the musculotendinous tissue. These receptors are stimulated during the 'challenge' and the 'rolling' part of the Bowen move which changes the stimulus received by the nervous system. This can change a pain/muscle spasm loop.

  • Joint proprioceptors: All moves done around a joint directly affect the joint capsule and ligaments that are richly innervated with proprioceptors. Here again, stimulus will be received by the nervous system, inviting normalisation of the joint function without the need for forceful manipulation. Research (Carter, Bernie, 2002, 'Clients experiences of frozen shoulder and its treatment with Bowen technique', Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, v. 8, pp. 204-210) has confirmed increases in the range of motion in restricted joints.

  • Fascia: Each Bowen move is done at the level of the superficial fascia and affects the relationship between the fascia and the nerve, muscle or tendon being mobilised. Fascia plays a major role in muscle co-ordination, postural alignment and overall structural and functional integrity. All of these are negatively affected when the fascia stiffens, contracts, torques or dehydrates. Following a Bowtech session it is not uncommon to see adhesions loosen up, scar tissue soften and posture and mobility improve without harsh mobilisation or stretching.

  • Segmental viscerosomatic spinal reflexes: Several Bowtech moves engage these reflexes. They produce referred reactions to the internal organs through stimulation of the skin, muscles and nerves.

  • Harmonic vibration or resonance model: Bowenwork moves set up vibrational patterns which bring the body back into balance and harmony.

  • Lymphatics: Some Bowtech procedures activate draining of the lymphatic system stimulating the immune system.

  • Detoxification is often initiated during a Bowen session, thereby improving the body's ability to function at a cellular level.


Bowen Association Australia - CLICK HERE

Bowtech - CLICK HERE

Better Health Channel- Victorian State Government CLICK HERE


Bowen for Womens/Mens Health

Specialised Hormonal Release - the Bowen Way, is used for addressing many symptoms of the reproductive and neurological systems for both Men and Women. It is the work by the late Trevor Rose from South Australia which is taught around the world .

The following are just a few of the problems that have responded well to "Hormone Release the Bowen Way"

  • Menstrual pain

  • Endometriosis

  • Fertility

  • Pregnancy support and management

  • Birthing - birth preparation & easing of delivery can be greatly assisted.

  • Menopause – Hot flushes – Mood swings

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Loss of libido

  • Bladder problems

  • Enlarged prostate

Bowen for Children

A child's Bowen session is very gentle. All sessions can be carried out through light clothing, whilst the parent / guardian remains in the room.

Parents and carers have reported improvement in symptoms of many childhood ailments and problems after their children have received Bowen therapy. They notice better posture, balance, co-ordination and the ability to cope better with the effects of trauma.

All those issues that go along with growing pains, such as skeletal and muscular development may also be helped, as can the delicate issue of bedwetting and irritable bowel.
Benefits may include:

  • Treatment of lower and upper and respiratory complaints, including asthma and bronchitis.

  • Relief from sinus, migraines and tension headaches

  • Improved concentration,

  • Improved sleeping patterns,

  • Enhanced motor control & behaviour,

  • Symptom relief from Anxiety.

Baby Bowen

The birth is one of the most traumatic processes a child will go through. The earlier a new born can receive a Bowen therapy treatment the better as it may help relieve the body’s physical stress and the emotional trauma of the birth.

Bowen therapy may work wonderfully on some of the more common ailments of young babies, some of which are:

  • Infant colic

  • Reflux

  • Blue babies

  • Misalignments of the spine due to labour/birth process

  • Feeding or attachment issues

  • Sleep issues

  • Hiccups



Bowen Therapist at desk during consultation

All clients must have an initial consultation on their first visit so a thorough medical history and physical assessment can be taken.

The Bowen technique is performed on skin (or through loose thin clothing) and on a massage table. A 'session' involves one or more 'procedures', each of which consists of several sets of 'moves'. The moves are gentle, but purposeful. Appropriate draping is always used throughout a Bowen session.

Between each set of Bowen moves, the practitioner pauses for approximately 2-5 minutes so the client's body can begin responding. As the nervous system begins to adjust the tension level in the muscles and fascia, the practitioner observes when the client is ready for the next set of moves. 

Initial Consultation


For all new Bowen therapy clients. Suitable for general well-being, pregnancy, postpartum and womens/mens health.

Includes full medical history, physical assessments and an iridology examination. A high resolution digital photo is taken of the iris, magnified and interpreted.

You can obtain copies of your iris imaging with an overview for an additional fee.

Take home exercises and lifestyle recommendations when applicable.



All follow up appointments

Child Consultation


Under 18 years old. Session time is usually between 30-45 minutes



For all new Babies under 1 year old. Session time is usually within 30 minutes.

Please note we have senior/concession rates available

Discovery Call


Book a FREE 15 min Phone chat to discuss your symptoms and find out if Bowen Therapy is right for you.


Initial consultations for Adults are allow for 75 minutes.

Return appointments are 60 minutes.

Please note some session times can vary slightly depending on the bodies response and the procedures being used. The amount of work done within a session will be determined by your condition/s. Some physical assessment may be required depending on your concerns, rehabilitation exercises and stretches may also be prescribed during a care plan and are expected to be performed between appointments to achieve the best results from your treatment.

For clients with limited mobility or during pregnancy, modifications are available ie. side laying or seated


These waits are an integral part of The Bowen Technique. Allowing the body to process and not become overloaded is the foundation of working with the body holistically.


Every body is different and will respond in different ways. Some find immediate relief from pain and tension and some need a day or two to process. It is quite normal to have some mild aching or tightening of areas around the body but they often completely resolve as the body regains balance. Pay particular attention to little ‘niggles’ or sensations felt in the body days after your Bowen session as these are all part of the healing and unravelling process.

Please note some clients will be able to receive ‘more’ within a session; those with a more compromised nervous system may only receive a few moves each time as they build their resilience.


The ideal time for a Bowen session is immediately after an injury. That way, your body can overcome the trauma before it begins to compensate for it. (The compensations often create more problems in the long run than the initial trauma itself.) If you can't get to your practitioner immediately, the sooner you can, the better. Within three days is ideal for the quickest and most complete recovery.

Because of the subtle nature of The Bowen Technique, and the body's continuing response to it over several days thereafter, other forms of manipulative therapy are discouraged for up to five-seven days after a session, as they may interfere with the efficacy of the work. Additionally, Bowen Therapy can be of great value in assisting the body to process other forms of physical therapy or alternative healthcare, such as Chiropractic care, Myotherapy or Naturopathy.

Many people don't find out about Bowen therapy until weeks, months, or even years of trying other approaches or learning to live with it. If that's the case with you, you'll get the best results from your Bowen sessions if you:             

  • During the first week after treatment, when getting up from bed, from chair, from the car, place your weight evenly on both feet

  • Don't have any other forms of bodywork for 5-7 days after your Bowen session             

  • Avoid exercise that is not within your normal limits on the day of your session             

  • Don't use ice or heat on the site of injury             

  • Increase your water intake before, after and for the week between your appointments             

  • Gentle walking is advised if you are seated for more than 30 mins at a time.

  • Wait, be patient with yourself and your body.


Bowen Therapy encourages proper functioning of all body systems, including those responsible for eliminating toxins. If your body has stored unnecessary materials, you may experience some of these detoxification sensations for a day or so after a Bowen Therapy session.

  • aching muscles

  • mild nausea

  • mild headache

  • changes in sensation of temperature

  • minor changes in elimination

Your body will function more effectively when the toxins have been released. During the detoxification, the best way to minimise discomfort is to continue to stimulate the lymphatic system to increase the elimination of toxins. You can do this by:

  • increasing your water intake, with good quality filtered water

  • walking 30 minutes each day in fresh air

  • Deep breathing


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